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Audiences: Business Owners + Building Managers

Existing Buildings: Computer Equipment

Benefit from energy savings and get cash incentives by installing qualifying energy-efficient solutions. We also offer…

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Existing Buildings: Compressed Air

Compressed air is an important part of many business processes. Energy Trust offers cash incentives for…

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Existing Buildings: Heat Pumps

Heating and cooling may account for as much as one-third of the energy consumed in a…

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Existing Buildings – Lighting

Lighting upgrades are often the best—and easiest—way to make energy-efficient improvements to your commercial property or…

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Existing Buildings – Custom Incentives

Energy-efficiency equipment not covered by standard incentives may still be eligible for custom incentives. These projects…

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Existing Buildings: Grocery

Grocery stores rely on energy intensive equipment to preserve products and keep their businesses running, which…

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Existing Buildings: Lodging and Foodservice Equipment

Hotel and restaurant operations depend on energy-intensive equipment. Energy Trust offers cash incentives for investing in…

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Existing Buildings: Rooftop Units

Energy Trust offers incentives for commercial buildings that install qualifying rooftop HVAC units. These packaged units…

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New Construction + Major Renovations

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Equipment Upgrades + Retrofits

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