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Solar + Storage for Buildings

Store extra solar power to provide backup during an outage 

Solar power can help your organization manage energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint. Adding battery storage to a solar system allows it to do even more, increasing your energy independence and resilience. Solar + storage provides clean, renewable power for your building and saves any extra solar energy in a battery storage system to provide backup power during an outage. Your solar panels recharge the battery daily. 

Sized to meet your needs

Battery storage can be sized to meet different goals. You can maintain basic operations — lights on and essential equipment running — if your building experiences a temporary power outage. Or, if you have a critical facility such as a fire station, you can size up battery storage to remain fully functional 24/7, even during extended outages.

Incentives and tax credits  

In addition to Energy Trust solar installation incentives, some solar + storage systems are eligible for federal tax credits or grants for qualifying customers. Some battery storage systems may also qualify for incentives from your utility.  

 We’ll help you get started 

Energy Trust can connect you with qualified solar trade allies, who can provide custom bids for your solar + storage project and line you up with available incentives and rebates.