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Who We Serve

Energy Trust of Oregon provides energy efficiency and renewable energy information, technical services and cash incentives for renters, homeowners, multifamily property owners, schools, public entities and commercial and industrial businesses of all sizes.  

We serve 2.4 million utility customers of Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, NW Natural, Cascade Natural Gas and Avista in Oregon, and 95,000 customers of NW Natural in Washington.  

By working with us, more than 825,000 homes and businesses throughout Oregon and SW Washington are now more affordable to light, heat, cool and operate. Customers have already saved $7.2 billion on their utility bills and kept 42.9 million metric tons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere—the equivalent of removing 11.2 million cars from Oregon roads for one year.  

We deliver our programs under a funding agreement with the Oregon Public Utility Commission, and regularly report to the commission on our investments. State legislation, HB 3141 (2021), reaffirmed the value of a third-party organization investing in cost-effective energy efficiency and small-scale renewable energy systems. The state law also modernized the funding to ensure more benefits flow to environmental justice communities and customers with low and moderate incomes.   

Not a customer of these utilities?

Across the state, Oregonians receive their electric service from three investor-owned electric utilities and 36 consumer-owned electric utilities, and their natural gas service from three investor-owned gas utilities. Customers and communities not served by the five investor-owned utilities listed above and shown in the map may be able to access energy efficiency programs and services through their utility. 

The Citizens’ Utility Board of Oregon explains the various electric and natural gas utilities in Oregon, and how they are or are not regulated, in this helpful blog post. Read CUB’s post about electric and natural gas utilities in Oregon. 

Not sure who your utility provider is?

Explore the Oregon Department of Energy Find Your Utility website.