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Oregon Lighting Industry Roundtable Event – Bend

The Environmental Center 16 NW Kansas Ave, Bend, United States

Oregon Lighting Industry Roundtable Event Energy Trust of Oregon’s New Buildings program and Northwest Energy Efficiency...


2019 Certified Energy Manager (CEM) Training & Exam

Earth Advantage 623 SW Oak St, Suite 300, Portland, OR, United States

The Association of Energy Engineers Columbia River Chapter (AEE-CRC) will host a comprehensive five-day Training Program...

$2195 – $2395

BESThq’s Business Expo East 2019

Camp Withycombe AFRC 15300 Minuteman Way, Clackamas, OR, United States

Energy Trust of Oregon will be a Bronze Sponsor and host a table at Business Expo...


2020 Northwest Food & Beverage World

The largest regional food and beverage manufacturing expo and conference is coming to Spokane, WA February...

$49 – $99

Salem Capitol Connections monthly meeting

Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry 626 NE High St. NE, Salem, OR, United States

Salem Capitol Connections provides Oregon entrepreneurs with opportunities to connect with public and private entities that...
