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Get an assist from Energy Trust and receive incentives for projects that introduce commissioning early and incorporate it throughout the design and construction phase. You can expect fewer costly alterations, reduced occupant complaints and a building that functions at, and possibly above and beyond, expectations.

Commissioning Incentives

Design Review 50% cost share, up to $15,000

Incentives are subject to funding availability and may change.

Design Review Incentive Application: Form 520Cx-DR


Design Review Incentive Application (Form 520Cx-DR)

Customers must submit a completed copy of the Project Enrollment Application form prior to applying for incentives.


The commissioning process:

The Building Commissioning Association provides a comprehensive outline of the building commissioning attributes and components.

Team roles and responsibilities:

The U.S. General Services Administration Commissioning Guide describes commissioning roles and responsibilities.

Owner’s project requirements (OPR):

While every project has its own unique OPR, there are many common elements that carry over. The ASHRAE Guideline 0-2019 Appendix I is a great reference to help guide OPR development.

Design review: 


We’re here to explain the process and benefits. Send us an email at