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How to make the most of your ductless heat pump

Cooling Solutions, Heat Pump, Heating Solutions Updated: August 3, 2021

To get the most out of your ductless heating and cooling system, we recommend following these simple guidelines

Embrace it.

Your ductless heat pump (or mini split) works best when it’s the star of the show. Use it as your primary system instead of wall heaters, baseboards or a portable AC, and you’ll get the biggest energy savings. Only supplement with a secondary system when absolutely needed. For example, if it’s too hot in the summer, even with your ductless heat pump cooling your home, try closing blinds and using fans to help circulate cool air from your ductless system before turning on a portable AC unit.

Set the fan speed to AUTO

The AUTO fan setting automatically adjusts the fan speed in order to maximize efficiency. Choose AUTO over any other fixed-speed setting, including QUIET, LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH.

Choose to HEAT or COOL

Based on the season, set the operation mode to HEAT or COOL rather than AUTO (please note that the operation mode is different from the fan speed). This will provide greater efficiency and comfort in our Northwest climate.

Set it and forget it

No need to fidget with the temperature. Just set your ductless heat pump to a comfortable initial temperature each season and it will self-adjust to maintain that temperature. The owner’s manual will show you how to program your system

Keep it clean

Help your ductless system stay in top form by cleaning and replacing air filters according to the recommendation in your owner’s manual. For most systems, follow these steps at least once a month to maintain the most efficient performance:

  • Use your remote to turn off the indoor unit
  • Lift the front panel and remove filters
  • Use a dry cloth to gently wipe filters clear of dirt and dust (or gently vacuum with brush attachment)
  • If needed, wash the filters with mild detergent and water
  • Wait until completely dry before re-inserting

You’ll also want to clear debris around the outdoor unit, and have your system professionally serviced at least once a year, or in both spring and fall if possible. This improves performance and extends the life of the equipment.

Following these steps will help you enjoy the full benefits of your ductless heat pump. If you’re just beginning to think about going ductless, check out our incentives for energy-efficient ductless heat pump systems.