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Reach for the sun

Planning for solar + storage from an early stage is always a bright idea. In addition to controlling energy costs, a smart solar design strategy can help reduce installation costs, ensure your systems are compatible and increase the long-term value of your building. 

Solar planning incentives

You can earn cash incentives throughout your project, from including a solar trade ally contractor in your early design to installation of solar and battery storage.

Find your fit

Every project team has a variety of goals for their building, from lower long-term costs to resiliency in emergency situations.

Community Solar

No roof space? No problem. Subscribing to Community Solar may be a good option if a sunny roof isn’t available or if solar isn’t in the budget. We also offer community solar development assistance, which can offset your energy use for Whole Building or Path to Net Zero projects.

Talk to our team of experts

Have questions? We’re here to help.