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Audiences: Homeowners + Renters

Ahorros a su Alcance

Más incentivos para hogares que califican con base en sus ingresos Las mejoras para ahorrar energía…

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Savings Within Reach

Increased incentives for income-qualified households Energy-saving home improvements can help lower your energy bills, and you…

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Residential – Lighting

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CFL Recycling

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LEDs are up to 85% more efficient and last at least 15 time longer than traditional…

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Energy-Efficient Showerheads

Did you know that showering is one of the country’s leading water-wasting habits? Installing efficient showerheads…

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Oregon On-Bill Loan Repayment

Get affordable financing for energy-saving upgrades through your Avista bill Adding a gas fireplace or installing…

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On-Bill Loan Repayment Washington

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Savings Within Reach On-Bill Loan Repayment

Make energy-efficient upgrades with easy with affordable financing through your Avista bill No matter your budget,…

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Duct Sealing & Duct Repair

Testing and sealing your ductwork can help trim your energy costs, reduce indoor air pollution and…

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