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General project application forms

Oregon Existing Buildings Incentive Application (Form 120P) 

Oregon Existing Buildings HVAC Equipment Incentive Application (Form 120HVAC) 

Washington Existing Buildings Incentive Application (Form 120P-WA-EB) 

Substitute IRS Form W-9 

Incentive information sheets

Oregon Existing Buildings Incentive Information Sheet (PI 120EB) 

Washington Existing Buildings Incentive Information Sheet (PI 120EB-WA) 

Incentives – Existing and New Multifamily Buildings in SW Washington (PI 120MF-WA)

Incentives – New Buildings in SW Washington (PI 120NB-WA)

Need help? Contact us

Let us know if you have specific questions about incentives or any additional information on how we can support you in your projects.

Three people at a table meeting